e兼职加强版 app for iPhone and iPad
The best tool of part time job is E part time job app,that can help college students to improve skills to find a job. Depend on the reliable enterprise,we can lead the college students to increase social experiences and the professional skills and the better opportunity of famous company intern . Maybe you can find your wanted job in five second on this APP. Just come to join us.
Main function;
1. find the proper part time job in short time. You can communicate with the business and learn the newest information of part time job.
2. Click to collect and apply the job and click to punch to work.
3. Click to add the resume, and help you to recommend the proper job.
4. Enterprise users can view and process applicant information .
5. It’s convenient to contact the job seekers.
6. Part-time information is subject to our rigorous review, and it’s very tricky.
7. The map shows nearby part-time information, long press to search nearby part-time information.
8. With the PC Web version to complete enterprise information entry and application processing.
9. Concerned about the company, collect your favorite companies.